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Organ Engineering Research -Lung , Airway-
T.Tsuchiya's Research Team in University of Toyama
土谷智史 臓器再生研究グループ -肺再生、気道再生-

Organ regeneration
Decellularized rat lung. We are doing organ engineering focusing on lung regeneration and airway regeneration using decellularized organ scaffolds.

Cancer models
An ex vivo small lung cancer model of engineered lung with human lung cancer nodules which can be used to analyze drug effects.
ラット再生肺に肺がん細胞を播種した、Ex vivo肺がんモデル。薬剤の効果を可視化可能である。

Cell therapy for organ transplantation
Demonstrate immunosuppressive effects of mesenchymal stromal cells in lung transplantation models and apply for clinical usage.
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