Organ Engineering Research -Lung , Airway-
T.Tsuchiya's Research Team in University of Toyama
土谷智史 臓器再生研究グループ -肺再生、気道再生-
We are a research team in University of Toyama and Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. We have two main research projects.
1. Lung regeneration / Airway regeneration (Disease models using engineered organs)
Organ shortage is an urgent issue in organ transplantation. The fabrication of transplantable organs is one of the great challenges of modern medicine. We are investigating methods for tissue and organ engineering using decellularized scaffolds.
Further, engineered small organs fabricated from rat scaffolds are useful as disease models. We are developing ex vivo research tools such as cancer models.
2. Cell therapy in organ transplantation
In transplantation medicine, life-long immunosuppressants are necessary for preventing rejection. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are known to suppress inflammation and immunoreactions. We are analyzing the mechanism of immunosuppressive effects of MSCs in lung transplantation models with the aim for clinical application.
1.肺再生 / 気管再生(再生臓器を応用した疾患モデル)
また、ラット組織骨格から創生した小型の再生臓器は、疾患モデルとして応用可能です。がんモデルなど、Ex vivoの新しい研究用材として開発中です。

Tomoshi Tsuchiya
土谷 智史

Ryoichiro Doi

Hironosuke Watanabe

Tomohiro Obata
小畑 智裕
MD. PhD.
Team Leader
Surgeon in the Department of Thoracic Surgery.
Department of Pathology & Gerontology (1998-2004)
Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Riverside, USA (2002-2004)
Biomedical Engineering Vascular Biology and Therapeutics, Yale University, USA (2011-2012)
University of Toyama (2021-)

Satoshi Mizoguchi
溝口 聡
MD. PhD.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Biomedical Engineering Vascular Biology and Therapeutics, Yale University, USA (2022-)
Surgeon in the Department of Surgical Oncology.

Naoya Kitamura
北村 直也
Graduate Student
Surgeon in the Department of Thoracic Surgery.
University of Toyama (2021-)
MD. PhD.
Assistant Professor
Surgeon in the Department of Surgical Oncology.
Columbia Center for Translational Immunology, USA (2017)
Nagasaki University (2018-)

Mitsutoshi Ishii
石井 光寿
MD. PhD.
Surgeon in the Department of Surgical Oncology.
Nagasaki University

Koichiro Shimoyama
下山 孝一郎
Assistant Professor
Surgeon in the Department of Thoracic Surgery.
University of Toyama (2023-)
MD. PhD.
Surgeon in the Department of Surgical Oncology.
Columbia Center for Translational Immunology, USA (2015-2018)
Nagasaki University (2019-)
Insurance Bureau
Assistant Director, Medical Division (2022-)
Yuma Takamura
高村 祐磨
Surgeon in the Department of Surgical Oncology.
Nagasaki University

Shadil Ibraham Wani
Postdoctoral Fellow
Graduate School of Pharma-Medical Sciences, University of Toyama (2023-)
MD. PhD.
Assistant Professor
Surgeon in the Department of Surgical Oncology.
Biomedical Engineering Vascular Biology and Therapeutics, Yale University, USA (2019-2021)
Nagasaki University (2022-)

Yukinori Tanoue
田上 幸憲
MD. PhD.
Surgeon in the Department of Surgical Oncology.
Nagasaki University

Komei Kobayashi
小林 巧明
Graduate Student
Life Science and Bioengineering (-2024)
Graduate School of Pharma-Medical Sciences, University of Toyama (2024-)

Hasnain Muhammad
Graduate Student
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur University College of Conventional Medicine (-2024)
Graduate School of Pharma-Medical Sciences, University of Toyama (2024-)

Mary Durbin
PhD. (Genetics)
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside (1974-2004)
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine (2004-2011)
English Editing and Assistance
Yutaka Maeda
前田 豊
Assistant Professor
Adviser on Foreign Affairs
UC Department of Pediatrics.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Micha Sam Brickman Raredon
MD, PhD.
Assistant Professor
Adviser on Foreign Affairs
Biomedical Engineering Vascular Biology and Therapeutics, Department of Anestesiology and Bioengineering.
Yale University
Allioson M. Greaney
Postdoctoral Fellow
Adviser on Foreign Affairs
Biomedical Engineering Vascular Biology and Therapeutics, Department of Anestesiology and Bioengineering.
Yale University

Mayumi Iawatake
岩竹 真弓
Associate Professor
Institute for Quantum Chemistry Innovation, Organization for the Creation of Future Society, Nagoya Uniersity (2023-)